Time limit quota

Hi, what is the time limit per submission? Is there a limit on the number of submissions?

There are also “available duration” and “consumed duration” in the quota per model, but I didn’t find their definitions?

Thank you in advance!

You are limited to 5 submissions per day.
And 10h of compute time per week.
No limit on the number of runs as long as you are under the 10 hours.

Available duration: is the weekly quota (10 hours)
Consumed duration: is the quota you already consumed this week

So 1 submission can take at most 10 hours? Could this be increased? I think a longer time duration is reasonable since we have to do the inference across multiple samples and thousands of cells. I think we have about 1 million cells in the validation set…

You can run one submission in 10 hours.
Or two submission in 5 hours each.

We may increase it depending on the situation.
But always when there is a bug caused by us.

I am asking for more compute time per submission. 10 hours isn’t enough for multiple samples with about 1 million cells.

@enzo where is the information about timelines? Can you show them please. Sadly for me 1 sample itself taking 6 hours to run. Not sure am In the right direction. Can you please clarify if I am missing anything.

Sorry, but the Broad Institute has paid for a certain amount of computing.
We may allow more on a case-by-case basis.

Contact me on Discord to discuss.

Hi, I got this error message “Run are disabled” after submission and ‘Run in the cloud’. But the Available duration is 10 hours.
Thank you in advance!

@relieved-jingzhe I have disabled them.
They will be back soon.

I am not able to contact you in discord. Can you please DM me. I have entered my phone number and other details. But it is not allwoing me to enter messages to you. I need more compute hours.

What is your Discord login? I will manually verify you?

username: shravankumarkoninti

Be careful, you shared your email on a public forum. I removed it from your message.

Thanks. Can you please check my name and DM em in Discord and let me know why I am not able to connect or send any messages

I already DM-ed you. Please answer me.

yes I answered and I am with IST timezone