How to get the data?

Can the data be downloaded and accessed locally, or is this challenge set up so that you have to work in the cloud?

Ok, now I found out. You have to click on the Quickstart field on this website (a field like this Forum here), then you get to a Google Colab notebook. There, the data is available, and when you convert it to a zip file, you can download it to your local machine (Maybe you will also need to create a model on the submission field, to get a token, I have not paid attention if that was necessary in order to convert the data to a zip and download it).

Hope this helps

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Here are a few things you could have done instead:

  • download the notebook locally and run the command
  • use the Submit via CLI bash command instead
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Thanks! I was just a little lost in the beginning, because the first thing I usually look for is the data.

Hi! I am following your instruction to download the notebook locally and run the command. The first line runs well: %pip install crunch-cli --upgrade; however, when I started running the second line: !crunch setup --notebook broad-1 hello --token aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffff, I encountered an error report saying that ‘/bin/bash: crunch: command not found’. I checked to ensure that crunch-cli has been successfully installed by %pip list - and crunch-cli is there with version 5.5.1!

I am not sure what I should do to solve this. Could you please provide guidance on how to solve this issue? Many thanks in advance!



Please try with

!python -m crunch setup ...

This is a likely venv problem.

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